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Cookie Policy for physicsgre.com

This is the Cookie Policy for the website physicsgre.com which is owned by Grant Interprises Inc. ("us", "our", "we"), a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida. We reserve the right to modify this Cookie Policy, and we will post the most updated version at https://grantii.com?cookie=physicsgre.com. This Cookie Policy was last updated and is effective on April 30, 2024.

This Cookie Policy has been incorporated into our Terms of Service which requires you to agree to our Cookie Policy to use our Website.

What are cookies

A cookie is a small amount of text that a website sends to your browser to be stored as a file on your device for the purpose of helping a website remember information about you.

How we use Cookies

We use cookies to store information that enables us to link your device to additional information that we may have stored about you. Please see our Privacy Policy to learn how we handle your personal information. Below is information about the cookies we use.

All cookies used by us are persistant cookies that are set to expire in 365 days or less. The cookies we set are administered by us, and we do not use any third-party cookies. We do not store any of your personal information in cookies.

We use a cookie to let us know if you gave us consent to send cookies to your browser.

We use cookies with our discussion forum to store your user ID, session ID, and session key for security purposes and to provide features such as our "Remember me" feature.

How to disable cookies

Most web browsers provide a way for you to modify your browser's settings so you can disable or restrict the ability of certain websites to store cookies on your device. We recommend you visit your browser's support website for instructions about how you can disable, delete, or restrict cookies. Some features of our website may not fuction properly with cookies disabled.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about our use of cookies, then you can contact Us through the following URL: https://grantii.com?contact=physicsgre.com.

physicsgre.com: Terms, Privacy, Cookie, Contact